Association Communications
Unleashing Member Engagement Through Print and Digital Communications

Association Print and Digital Communications that Create Engagement
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Connect and engage with your members anywhere in the world at any time while you grow your reach, influence and revenue. Naylor specializes in all aspects of publishing — print and digital — and can augment your team’s capabilities with editorial services and strategic content leadership.
Want to learn more about how Naylor’s services can help you reach and connect with more members?
Digital Communications That Reach and Engage Members Online Anytime. Print Communications That Leave a Lasting, Tangible Impression.
AI-Powered eNewsletters
Naylor’s artificial intelligence AI-powered eNewsletters increase member engagement with your association’s content and curated news in a format that reduces staff effort and drives non-dues revenue. Use AI to create personalized newsletters for every one of your members while incorporating targeted advertising that earns your association more non-dues revenue.

Association eNewsletters
Naylor’s association eNewsletters create invaluable connections with your members. Our content-rich digital bulletins and sponsored eBlasts provide a mix of association and industry news, boosting member engagement and creating an appealing opportunity for advertisers.
Conference Show Daily eNewsletters
Naylor keeps your events top-of-mind and provides attendees with the latest schedules, news, education and event recaps in an accessible, convenient eNewsletter format. Reinforce your association’s branding and mission, and allow exhibitors and sponsors to connect with attendees through an association conference eNewsletter.

Association Magazines
Magazines are as important as ever and play a key role in member communications. Naylor develops an editorial plan, creates content, provides layout and design services, and sells advertising for your association’s magazine. Your association will enjoy enhanced non-dues revenue and an overall trouble-free process. Naylor will deliver all magazines in print and digital format to meet your audience in the channel they most prefer. Naylor also will work to ensure your magazine positions your association as a thought leader, making it an invaluable resource to your members and the industry.
Association Show Guides
Attendees and exhibitors benefit from a conference guide that provides valuable information about your trade show or convention. From the keynote address and educational sessions to key sponsors and special events, a show guide will increase the visibility of exhibitors, advertisers and sponsors while providing you with an additional opportunity to reinforce the association’s event brand.

Communications Gap Analysis
Naylor works with your association to evaluate your current communications strategy and the competitive landscape you’re facing. Naylor reviews your association’s goals and objectives before conducting a comprehensive survey of association staff, members and stakeholders to gather feedback on the value of your association’s communications. The gap analysis presents a clear picture of your association’s strengths and opportunities, and it outlines a holistic roadmap for improvements to your communications and content mix that drives member value and non-dues revenue.
Editorial and Content Services
Ready to reimagine your print and digital communications for effective engagement and more revenue? Naylor partners with associations to create comprehensive content and editorial that increase member engagement and help your association present the best information for the right platform at the right time. From event prospectus support and magazine editorial to career center guidance and web copy, Naylor is your partner in creating quality, engaging content.

Magazine Microsites
As an extension of your magazine, this platform gives your association the ability to deliver content to members on a regular basis and be seen as the go-to resource for industry news and updates. Developing a magazine microsite allows your members to consume your content in a digital format while offering them the opportunity to view past articles with up-to-the-minute information about your industry, events and news.
Take your vendor directory to the next level with Naylor’s revamped MarketBASE online buyers’ guides. With live dynamic search capability, robust functionality and rich vendor profiles, your members can find the products and services that keep their businesses running. Our RFP Automator lets searchers send requests for proposals and bids to companies by geography and category. Vendors can use text, images, videos, maps and showcase spaces to position their business as a trusted supplier while your association earns non-dues revenue.

Membership Directories and Industry Resource Guides
Promote your products and services to create member value year-round with an enhanced membership directory and industry resource guide in both print and digital versions. In addition to traditional components, including information on members, service providers, suppliers and consultants, Naylor works with associations to identify and develop content that makes your directory a true industry resource and keeps members coming back to it all year.
Print Communication Resources
5 Best Practices for Building a Strong Editorial Content Plan
As the saying goes, if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. This is none more true for your association’s print and digital communication. It’s essential for your association to have a clearly defined content strategy and editorial plan if you want to reach your communication goals. Check out our newest infographic that unpacks five best practices for building a strong editorial content plan.

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Sarah Smith
Fundraising Director | Organization Name