Membership Services & Recruitment
Detail-Focused, Expert Support to Build Your Membership
Membership Services and Recruitment for Associations
Naylor’s state-of-the-art customized database ensures the accuracy of member profiles, as well as on-time dues payments and application processing.
Naylor works with your Membership Committee to develop effective recruitment and retention programs for your organization, generate reports, and maintain a database for all aspects of your membership department.
- Member demographic profiles and analysis
- Processing and orienting new members
- Membership recruitment
- Membership retention and non-renewal analysis
- Database management
- Dues and accounts receivable processing and management
- Member benefits coordination
- Member surveys and polling
Career Center Targeted Marketing and Advertising
Targeted marketing and advertising is a dynamic way to not only capture job seekers but also allows you to re-capture — or retarget— people who visit your career center after they leave your site and are surfing the web. Through targeted job enhancements, you can entice these job seekers back to your employer’s listings by showing them display ads that remind them about the exciting opportunities they saw on your career portal.