Digital Edition Magazine & Guide Ad Specifications
More Traffic. More Job Seekers. More Job Postings. More Engagement. More Revenue.
General Specifications – GTxcel Platform
- Advertiser supplies the ad, or Naylor can create your ad (for a $125 fee).
- Click here to read about some user-friendly ad templates u
- Click here to download a zip folder that includes those ad templates.
- Any supplied bitmap, vector, or PDF artwork must be 300 dpi
- Any supplied .JPG, .PNG or .GIF artwork for digital ads must be 72 dpi
- Animated GIFs are accepted on the leaderboard and rectangle positions in the GTxcel's Page View. However, please be aware that GIFs are compressed and may be viewed at slightly lower resolution.
- Minimum of 18 pt font size (depending on font style) is recommended for legibility purposes when viewing digital editions.
- Ad server tags and URL click trackers are accepted.
- Advertiser supplies URL ad should link to. Email addresses can be used as a URL/Web link.
- Third Party Javascript/iFrame tags are not accepted.
Click here for a live sample of a digital magazine/directory.
- 728 x 90 pixels, 320 x 50 pixels, @ 72 dpi
- Creative accepted: JPG, PNG, GIF (static or animated)
- 2nd size is required for mobile responsive display.
- Leaderboard ads appear on screen at all times in both the Reading and Page Views.
- The Leaderboard can be purchased on a per-issue basis and will be a single ad for the entire replica issue.
- 300 x 250 pixels, @ 72 dpi
- Creative accepted: JPG, PNG, GIF (static or animated)
- Rectangle ads appear at the bottom of the table of contents. The ad is on screen at all times in both the Reading and Page Views.
- The Rectangle can be purchased on a per-issue basis.
- 320 x 50 pixels, @ 72 dpi
- Creative accepted: JPG, PNG, GIF (static or animated)
- On a desktop, the mobile TOC banner ad appears within the table of contents to the right of the magazine in the Reading View. The table of contents, and the TOC banner, appears after clicking/tapping on the Contents icon in mobile view.
- The top mobile banner appears after the 1st article. Subsequent mobile banners appear every 2 articles after.
- 8.375 x 4.583 inches, @ 72 dpi
- Creative accepted: JPG, PNG, GIF (static or animated)
- Digital insert ads can be placed between any article pages in the Reading View, or placed at the back of the digital magazine (as a Digital Outsert).
- 8.375 x 6.333 inches, @ 72 dpi
- Creative accepted: JPG, PNG, GIF (static or animated)
- Digital insert ads can be placed between any article pages in the Reading View, or placed at the back of the digital magazine (as a Digital Outsert).
- 7.542 x 9.792 inches, @ 72 dpi
- Creative accepted: JPG, PNG, GIF (static or animated)
- Digital insert ads can be placed between any article pages in the Reading View, or placed at the back of the digital magazine (as a Digital Outsert).
- Creative accepted: Preferred embed code from video hosting sites like YouTube or Vimeo. MP4 also accepted.
- For Video Showcase, this will instead be a YouTube link to allow the video player to be embedded on the page.
- MP4 video files have a max file size of 100 MB. Site-hosted embedded videos have no file size restriction.
- 50 to 70 words are allowed for a video summary. In addition, a 7 to 10-word call to action hyperlinked a hyperlink to the webpage or online file of your choice may be included.
- The video sponsorship is placed on its own page and is included as an item in the Table of Contents.
- This position is available on limited basis pending association approval.
- Article should be supplied in a Word document.
- Article should be no more than 2,000 words.
- One feature image can be included as well as one company logo.
- Either image can be no wider than 600 pixels.
- Feature image will also be used as thumbnail on the TOC list (sized at 200 x 200 pixels) unless advertiser supplies another 200 x 200 px image for thumbnail.
- Hyperlinks can be included and should be contained within Word document.
- Sponsored content article example can be seen on the following PDF.
- Variable sizes (up to 1499 wide x 750 pixels deep)
- Creative accepted: HTML file. All referenced assets (images) should be included for offline viewing.
- Click here to download the zip folder of ad templates.
- The HTML5 ad is responsive across all devices and is variable in terms of content provided. It can include text, images, hyperlinks and video, but must be supplied in a zipped HTML format. HTML5 ads can be placed between any article pages on the HTML version of the digital magazine.
- Important Note: Naylor can now provide creation services for the HTML5 Ad for an artwork creation charge. All above materials would need to be provided.
- 468 x 60 pixels, 320 x 50 pixels, @ 72 dpi
- Creative accepted: JPG, PNG, GIF (static or animated)
- 2nd size is required for mobile responsive display.
- The floating banner ad appears at the bottom of the screen and will remain on all pages throughout both views until it is closed out. (For magazines this ad will appear on both Page and Reading Views.)
- The floating banner can be purchased on a per-issue basis and will be a single ad for the entire issue.
- This position is available on limited basis pending association approval.
Digital Edition Email Ads
- Dimensions: 640 x 100 pixels, @ 72 dpi
- Placement: This banner is placed at the top of the eBlast that is delivered to an association’s readership, promoting the latest digital edition issue.
- Advertiser supplies the ad or Naylor can create an ad with supplied artwork and text.
- Creative accepted: .JPG only
- Max file size: 100 KB
- Advertiser supplies URL ad should link to.
- Third party Javascript/iFrame tags are not accepted because ads are delivered through email.
- Click-thru tags are accepted, such as UTM codes which can be built through Google UTM builder.
Career Center Targeted Marketing and Advertising
Targeted marketing and advertising is a dynamic way to not only capture job seekers but also allows you to re-capture — or retarget— people who visit your career center after they leave your site and are surfing the web. Through targeted job enhancements, you can entice these job seekers back to your employer’s listings by showing them display ads that remind them about the exciting opportunities they saw on your career portal.
If you have questions or encounter problems that can’t be answered by this site, please call us at (800) 665-2456 and ask for one of our digital services representatives who will be happy to help you.