Podcast: Deconstruct Data Silos with a Member Data Platform
Have you heard of a member data platform? It’s a software hub that offers an association a 360-degree view of a member or customer by breaking down silos between individual data platforms, such as an email marketing program or an eCommerce account. A member data platform can help your association find out how engaged members are by showing a map of all the different ways they interact with your resources.
At this month’s ASAE TEC Show, we spoke with Jeff Horne and Juan Silva of Wicket, creators of the world’s first member data platform. Jeff and Juan led us through how an MDP works, and how it can increase operational efficiencies for your association. We learned how an MDP can help you trust your data more, and most importantly, use your data more often to make business decisions that will further your mission and grow your influence.
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Thanks to our podcast sponsor, Naylor Association Solutions. Learn about Naylor’s resources for improving your member engagement and non-dues revenue at www.naylor.com.