Podcast: How to Write a Communications Plan
It’s planning season for most associations: The time of year when we take a long-term view of how far we’ve come and where we’d like our work to take us in the new year. For many association marketing teams, it’s time to draw up a communications and marketing plan. Rachel Clemens, chief marketing officer, and Nicole Araujo, client engagement director, both of Mighty Citizen, join us for a discussion about how to write a comprehensive communications plan that covers all your bases AND wins over your leadership team.
Rachel and Nicole have come up with a five-part communications plan template that will help you write out everything you need to consider for a stellar communications program next year.
We also discuss how to gain acceptance of the plan among your organization’s leadership. Rachel discusses how to get approval for ideas you’ve never tried before. We wrap up with thoughts about how often you and your team should check in with your plan to ensure you’re still on track, and what to do when things go off the rails as they did spectacularly in 2020.
This episode about how to write a communications plan will help anyone who is new to strategic communication planning. It’s also a great refresher about best practices for creating a comprehensive marketing plan.
Find Mighty Citizen’s five-part communications plan template here.
Check out our article about how to write a communications plan here.
Thanks to our podcast sponsor, Naylor Association Solutions.
Want to be a guest on The Association Adviser Podcast? Have an idea for an episode topic? Email Kelly Clark, [email protected].