Best of the Web: June 2012
Three Quick Steps for Turning Content into Conversations About Your Business
Juan Maritnez
Content Marketing Institute
Content marketing can build brands, drive engagements and, ultimately, lead to vital conversions. For these reasons, no company—no matter how big or small—can afford to avoid to ignore its benefits.
Pinning Interest for Your Association’s Next Event
Holly Krenek
Affiniscape Blog
When planning your next event, strategically conceptualize ways to tell a story through the photos. Before jumping on the Pinterest bandwagon, make sure you have a plan of action set in place with an end goal for your event and its tie-in to the social tool. What’s the story you want the event to convey on Pinterest?
Takeaways from Day Two of #mmccon12
A rundown of Tweets and thoughts from ASAE’s Marketing, Membership & Communications Conference in Washington, D.C.
The New Workforce: Young, Rich and Female
Sarah Sladek
XYZ University
Not only will Generation Y (currently ages 17-30) outnumber the Boomer generation in the workforce by 2015, but females will outnumber males and, in many cases, earn more and hold higher positions of authority. How will these changes affect workflows?
Stop Listening, Start Watching
Nathan Burgess
PR Breakfast Club
If you really want to know where your audience’s highest priorities are examine their “finite resources”— i.e. time and money— and see how those are spent. Watching your audience will yield a more accurate picture of what they value than listening to what they say is important.
@kinetixhr VIDEO: How To Use Humor in a Job Interview …
@Informz 30% = the percentage you can grow your revenue, volunteers, etc. when you target your messaging. #AFPTechKnow
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