Associations Rapidly Adopting QR Codes
By Association Adviser staff
Still wondering what those quirky grey boxes at the bottom of magazine ads and conference brochures are used for? It might be time to get up to speed.
More than 81 percent of association leaders who responded to last month’s Association Adviser enews reader poll said they were using quick response (QR) codes for at least one purpose, with more than one in four (26.6 percent) using them to help members register for webinars and other online learning opportunities.
Twenty percent of the 290 respondents (to date) said they are using QR codes to add value to their advertising and sponsorship programs; 17.9 percent are using them to bolster purchases at their online stores; and more than 17 percent are using them for their conferences and events.
See last month’s Did You Know column to see how smartphones and apps figure into the QR equation.
For what purpose is your organization using Quick Response (QR) codes the most?