10 Most Read Articles of 2011
By Association Adviser staff
Most association leaders will agree we live in challenging and fast-moving times. Questions seem to outnumber answers by a large margin, and our analysis of the most popular Association Adviser enews articles of 2011 shows a hunger for ways to stay in touch with information-overloaded members, for advice on the right communication platform to use and for the best business model to deploy in the years ahead.
If we’ve learned nothing else in 2011, it’s that association leaders don’t just want opinions, theories and best practices—they want hard data to support the decisions they have to make, and they want to see how they stack up to their peers in terms of resource investments, product offerings and member communication strategies.
Below are the 10 most influential articles we published in 2011, based on Naylor’s Reader Engagement Index (NREI). The NREI is a relative measure of an article’s impact on our audience, factoring in not only the number of readers who clicked on the article, but how many times it was forwarded, how many comments and social shares it received relative to an “average” article we published. The NREI assigns a score of 100 to an article with average audience pull. A score of 150 means that article had 1.5 times more impact on our audience than a typical article.
Top 10 Association Adviser Stories of 2011
Source: Association Adviser enews and Naylor, LLC, 2011.
* Naylor Reader Engagement Index (NREI) has a baseline of 100 for articles with median engagement score.
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