Best of the Web
Best of the Web: August 2010
Find links to these posts and many more when you follow Naylor on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.
Reid All About It: Why You Should Give Social Media a Chance – Part 1 (Parts 2 and 3 also available on this blog)
Insights from a Future Association Executive: Social Media ROIDestinationCRM: Going Viral: Social Media and Customer Service
Global Strat: The World According to LinkedIn: An interview with Jose Mallabo, Director, International Corporate Communications for LinkedIn
Midcourse Corrections: Three 2010 Association Mega Trends
Factor168: Best iPhone Apps for Event Professionals
@AssocForum: He may not have come to Chicago but assoc leaders can learn from the LeBron media circus (via @asaecenter)
@NaylorLLC: Great advice from our friends at CMAA RT @CMAA Add laughter to your daily TO DO list! #ASAE #assnchat #AssnMediaPub