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Survey Shows Leaders Aggressive About Post-Event Follow Up

By Association Adviser staff • November 5, 2012

If you think association leaders are taking a few days of R&R after working a grueling trade show or convention, think again.  According to the latest Association Adviser reader poll, more than half (52 percent) of association leaders who attend or exhibit at live events reach out to new contacts they’ve made within one week of the show—including nearly one-third who follow up within three days. An additional 16 percent of attendees follow up within one to two weeks. Only one in three (32 percent) say they let new business cards (or scans) languish for more than a month before following up. About 200 readers have responded to the poll as of press time.

How soon after a show should you follow up with important contacts?

So whether you prefer to pocket, scan, or CardMunch business cards, it pays to be proactive with the new contacts you make at live events. If you’re not following up ASAP, our research says competitors may be beating you to the punch.