Poll: Cloud and CE Trump Mobile Apps as Biggest Association Breakthroughs
As 2015 draws to a close, we thought it would be an opportune time to ask readers about the biggest breakthroughs their organizations have experienced on the tech or innovation front. Sure, today’s associations must adapt to an increasingly wired and on-the-go membership.
But, early results of our unscientific audience poll show that only one in seven readers (15 percent) believe mobile apps were the single biggest tech advance of 2015. Nearly half of respondent (46 percent) cited either “adoption of cloud computing” or “collaboration tools” and nearly one third (31 percent) said “online training and certification” were the biggest game changers of the year.
As your finalize your strategic plan for the year ahead, don’t underestimate the importance of allowing your staff, members and volunteers to collaborate from distant locations, store and share resources off the network and to advance their career from the convenience of their homes or offices.
According to Blue Sky Broadcast’s Jodi Ray, “Associations that are effectively using online learning are finding new opportunities for revenue and member engagement.” With the right partners and platforms, Ray said associations can quickly and cost-effectively deliver engaging live virtual events with time sensitive content by industry experts. They can also enable members and other online learners to access content on demand from any device. “The key is making it easy and personalized,” Ray added.
See Hank Berkowitz’s column in today’s issue for more insights from Ray and other association technology thought leaders. Also see this month’s Corner Office interview as Derek Poarch, executive director of public safety leader APCO International, explains how his organization has come up with creative ways to connect with young, tech savvy members who aren’t allowed to bring mobile devices into the workplace.