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Associations Report Rapid Adoption of Video Content in 2012

By Association Adviser staff • November 5, 2012

If you think you’re seeing more videos on association websites lately you’re not alone. Nearly two-thirds (65.7 percent) of respondents to last month’s Association Adviser enews reader poll said they are using online video or planning to do so this year—a substantial jump from 40 percent who were using video at this time a year ago.

Drilling deeper into the numbers we learned that nearly half of the 134 respondents to date (48.5 percent) are currently using online video to keep members informed, and an additional 17.2 percent are planning to introduce video content for members at some point in 2012. What’s more, more than half of respondents who are not planning to offer video content to members in 2012 said they would do so if they had the budget or technical capabilities.

Sounds like it’s time to get your webcams rolling.

Is your association using online video to enhance communication and education?