Two-Thirds of Associations Turning to Video and Virtual Events
It should come as no surprise that associations are increasingly turning to video to connect with members and potential members of all ages. In fact, more than one in six respondents (17 percent) to our latest unscientific reader poll told us that webinars and virtual events were the fastest growing source of non-dues revenue at their organizations.
That squares with the findings of our annual association communication benchmarking report. Among the 813 respondents who weighed in on this question, more than two-thirds (68.1%) said they were integrating, or planning to integrate, video into their organization’s communications efforts.
[ctt tweet=”Two-thirds of associations are allowing non-attendees to experience live events via streaming, recording, archiving.” coverup=”b4Ex1″]
Have you integrated video into your organization’s communication efforts?
“We have been going in that direction for years,” noted Rita Chen Fujisawa, VP, COO of the California Association of Health Facilities. “We now have a YouTube channel and we’ve recently hired full-time staff so we can focus more on it. We’re using video to showcase best practices in our facilities so we can share [them] with members.”
Video is not only a powerful way for associations to deliver news, information and best practices to members, but it’s increasingly being used to make their live event content available to members who cannot attend in person.
To what extent does your association allow members to attend live events via live streaming, recording or archiving?
According to the 842 association execs who responded to this question in our annual association communication benchmarking report, more than two-thirds (68.9 percent) are allowing, or planning to allow, non-attendees to experience their live events via live-streaming, recording or archiving.
“For a lot of us in the association space, the [big] WHAT’S NEXT is video,” explained Karl Ely, SVP Publishing for the American Society of Association Executives.