Best of the Web

Best of the Web December 2012

By Association Adviser staff • January 3, 2013

@RosabethKanter: Success steps: Show up. Speak up. Team up. Never give up. Lift others up. Things will look up. #assnchat

@AssociationHQ: What #eventprofs can learn from tailgating parties #assnchat

@google: What captured our attention in 2012? See this year through the eyes of Google Search at #zeitgeist2012


Kristin Piombino
Graphic from InventHelp
Seventy-three percent of CEOs think marketers lack business credibility and 77 percent believe marketers don’t talk about what really matters—sales. If this sounds like your CEO, it’s clearly time to find a way to measure the return on investment (ROI) of all those hours you dedicate to social media.

Amy Drew Thompson
Connections, AGC Georgia
Outdated bylaws, an 80-year-old logo and a cumbersome process meant a major overhaul for one Georgia association. Here’s how AGC Georgia made an extreme makeover happen.
Despite the ubiquity of fancy social sharing buttons, old-fashioned copy-and-paste is still a preferred method of sharing content 82 percent of the time. Does this mean social sharing buttons are obsolete?
Shelly Alcorn, CAE
Association Subculture
The attached video byTiffany Shlain makes the point that this point in time is like every other in that we need to ask ourselves if what we are building is a beautiful place to be or not. Each interaction in this Twitterfied world has consequences for ourselves and our mental well-being. We have the responsibility to make good choices about what we build and make it uplifting instead of destructive and engaging without being overwhelming. Can you say the same about the networks you have in your memberships?
We couldn’t resist sharing our holiday card with you!


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