5 Simple Career Center Best Practices
Five simple and easy-to-implement secrets that can make your career center a success
For more than 90 years, the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) has been the leading national association for medical practice administrators and healthcare executives. Representing more than 33,000 administrators and executives in 18,000 healthcare organizations, it members turn to MGMA to provide essential education, legislative information, and data and career resources to help improve patient services and operational efficiencies.
At the center of this information hub is the thriving MGMA Career Center which the association built in conjunction with Boxwood Technology by following simple and easy best practices.
An association’s career center is typically one of the top three visited areas of its website—make sure it’s up to date.
A high-performing career center is not only a job-seeker destination, but a great driver of member acquisition and non-dues revenue.
Your career center’s site navigation and home page should show visitors that your association supports all career phases.
In a previously recorded webinar, Kristina Ziehler, senior manager and moderator-in-chief at MGMA and Boxwood’s Carrie McIntyre reviewed the simple best practices for career center success:
1. Make site navigation as obvious as possible: A career center is typically one of the top three, if not the most heavily visited area of your association’s website. Therefore, obtaining prime real estate for your career center on your website is critical. Post a link, a button, or a graphic (or all three) on your association’s home page that lead to the career center. Make it very easy for site visitors to find this resource. The easier it is to find, the more likely they will use it.
2. Maximize the career info on your career center’s splash page: The primary site navigation and the splash page should not only feature jobs, but the opportunity to demonstrate the following to job seekers:
- Your association helps individuals in all aspects of their careers.
- Your association makes current and future employees even better at their jobs.
Does your career center’s text and graphics, and the organization of this content, send this message in one glance?
3. Take advantage of employer up-sells: You have the opportunity to grow employer revenue in several places on your career center. For example, in addition to offering employer posts on the career center itself, offer accompanying listings in your association’s eNewsletter, or within a jobs-only email. Conduct an audit of your association’s opportunities and plan to include more career information in places where it makes sense to do so.
4. Integrate your career center with your social media: There are multiple platforms that can help you easily promote your career center and place your job postings where candidates are hanging out on social media. For example, you can tweet job opportunities, or post career learning videos on YouTube.
5. Post media kits, RSS Feeds and Much More: Make it easy to find and receive information from your career center. Also, make it easy for employers to find out how to be part of your career center. Feature advertising opportunities within your career center through your media kit.
Career centers can help your association can generate more non-dues revenue while providing a greater membership value. For more information regarding career center best practices, be sure to download our free Career Center Best Practices eBook here.
You may also view the full recording of this career center best practices webinar.